Legal Notice

Please read and carefully review these Terms and Conditions of Use before using this Website.

By completing the "Self-Assessment Request," you, on behalf of the organization you represent (the Organization), accept these Terms and Conditions of Use.

1. Identification of Website Owner

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, please be informed that (hereinafter, the “Website” or the “Portal”) is owned and operated by:

  • The RESCUE Initiative (Innovation Grant 19113), an extension of the COST Action 19113 – ERNST Consortium (The European Researchers' Network Working on Second Victims, TheERNSTGroup)
  • IG 19113 Grant Holder: Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (hereinafter, "FISABIO")
  • Avenida de Catalunya, 21 - 46020 Valencia, Spain - Phone: +34 961 92 57 00 - CIF: G98073760

2. Terms and Conditions of Use Content

2.1 Acceptance

These Terms and Conditions of Use regulate the use by users of the information society services that the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO make available through the Internet on the Website.

By using this Website, you, on behalf of the Organization (hereinafter, the User), fully accept and commit to complying entirely with these Terms and Conditions of Use as well as the Website’s Privacy Policy.

The ERNST Consortium and FISABIO reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Use when deemed necessary. Therefore, the User must carefully read the Terms and Conditions of Use each time they intend to use the Portal, as these may be subject to changes. The current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use is available at any time through the hyperlink in the footer of each page on this Website (Legal Notice).

2.2 Website Use Conditions

Access to the Website is free, except for the connection cost through the telecommunications network provided by the User's contracted access provider. However, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO may, at any time, limit access to certain Website content subject to payment, in which case the User will be informed reasonably in advance.

The User commits to not using the Website for fraudulent purposes and to refraining from engaging in any conduct that could damage the image, interests, and rights of The ERNST Consortium, FISABIO, or third parties. Additionally, the User agrees not to take any action aimed at damaging, disabling, or overloading the Website or that could hinder, in any way, its normal use and functioning.

The User is informed that, in the event of non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy, or any other specific terms and conditions included on the Website, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO reserve the right to limit, suspend, or terminate their access to the Website by taking any necessary technical measures to that end. Likewise, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO reserve the possibility of applying such measures if they reasonably suspect that the User is violating any of the terms and conditions outlined in the aforementioned instruments.

Finally, the User is informed that the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO reserve, at all times, the right to decide on the continuity of the information society services they provide through the Website.

This Website includes a web application called “RESCUE Certification Standards for Second Victims Support”, where the User can register on the registration page. Access to the application requires supervision by members of the research team. Therefore, the purposes of this platform relate to evaluation and research in multidisciplinary care. The User may request their removal or data deletion from the application at any time by sending their access key via email to and expressing their desire to unsubscribe. The same procedure must be followed to modify data or for any queries or suggestions related to the Website.

The User agrees not to share the application’s content with third parties.

2.3 Intellectual and Industrial Property

The intellectual property rights over the arrangement of the Website’s content (sui generis database right), its graphic design (look & feel), the underlying computer programs (including source code), and the various elements comprising the Website – texts, graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, etc. (hereinafter, the “Content”) belong to the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO or their licensors.

The industrial property rights and distinctive signs included in the Portal (trademarks and trade names) are owned by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO or their licensors.

The User’s use of the Portal does not imply any transfer of intellectual and/or industrial property rights on the Portal, its Content, or the distinctive signs of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO. Therefore, unless legally permitted or authorized in advance by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO, the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, availability, extraction, and/or reuse of the Portal, its Content, and/or the distinctive signs of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO are expressly prohibited.

3. Editorial Policy

The content of this Website has been designed for specific users, primarily health and social care institutions, to provide tools that improve the functioning of multidisciplinary teams in cancer care.

By registering through the "Self-Assessment Request" included on the Website, the User declares that:

  • They are the highest authority of the evaluated Organization (e.g., specific tumor committee) or have the authorization of the Organization’s or team’s authority to complete the "Self-Assessment Request".
  • They have ensured that their Organization has not completed a "Self-Assessment Request" under another identity (another email address or another designation) on the Website.
  • If they are a for-profit health organization, they have also requested the corresponding usage license from the owners.

If they are a non-profit health and social care organization conducting an improvement project using the services or support of a for-profit entity (consulting services) with the RESCUE Certification Standards for Second Victims Support tool, they have verified that their service provider has obtained the required usage license of the tool beforehand.

The Website will provide information on potential conflicts of interest if they exist.

All references are cited in Vancouver style.

3.1 Content Publication

The explicit content on the Website has been prepared by members of the Research and Development Group and published by the Webmaster.

4. User Information

The User is responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information they provide.

Information provided by the User through the "Self-Assessment Request" will be treated confidentially and in aggregate form.

5. Links to Other Websites

5.1 Links to External Websites

To assist you in finding additional information, we have included various technical link devices that allow the User to access other websites (hereinafter, the "Linked Sites"). In these cases, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO act as intermediaries in accordance with Article 14 of Directive 2000/31/EC. Under the cited legislation, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO are not responsible for the services and content provided through the Linked Sites unless they have effective knowledge of illegal activity or content and fail to act promptly to disable the link with due diligence.

In no case does the existence of Linked Sites imply recommendation, promotion, identification, or agreement by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO with the statements, content, or services provided through the Linked Sites. Consequently, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO are not responsible for the content of the Linked Sites, the accuracy or truthfulness of the information they contain, or their terms of use and privacy policies, which the User is solely responsible for checking and accepting each time they access and use them.

If the User believes that there are illegal, harmful, defamatory, violent, or inappropriate content on Linked Sites, they may notify the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO via the following email address: However, such communication will not imply the obligation of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO to remove the corresponding link, nor does it necessarily imply effective knowledge of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO regarding the illegality of the content of the Linked Site as defined by applicable law.

5.2 Links from Other Websites

The User who wishes to include links from their web pages to the Website must comply with the following conditions:

  1. The link will only connect to the Website’s main page but may not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copying texts, graphics, etc.).
  2. It is prohibited to establish frames or borders of any kind that surround the Website or allow the display of the Content through Internet addresses other than those of the Website. Frames must not be displayed alongside external content in a way that:
    1. Produces, or could produce, error, confusion, or deception about the true origin of the service or Content.
    2. Constitutes an act of unfair comparison or imitation.
    3. Exploits the reputation of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO trademark and prestige.
    4. Violates applicable law.
  3. The page containing the link must not include false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements about the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO, their partners, employees, clients, or the quality of their services.
  4. The use of any trademark, graphic, or mixed marks or other distinctive signs of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO within the linking page is prohibited except as permitted by law or explicitly authorized by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO. In any case, direct links to the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO’s websites must comply with the conditions set in this clause.
  5. The linked page must comply with the law and may not host or link to content:
    1. That is illegal, harmful, or contrary to morality and public order (e.g., pornographic, violent, racist content).
    2. That induces or could induce a false perception in the User that the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO endorse, approve, or support the ideas, statements, or expressions, lawful or unlawful, of the linking party.
    3. That is inappropriate or unrelated to the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO activities in terms of location, content, and subject of the linking party’s website.
  6. Reporting Unlawful or Inappropriate Activities

If the User or any other Internet user becomes aware that any information or content on the Portal or provided through it is unlawful, violates third-party rights, contradicts these Terms and Conditions of Use, or is harmful or contrary to morality and good customs, they may contact the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO at the following email address:, providing the following details:

  • Personal information of the reporting party: name, address, phone number, and email address. Please read the Privacy Policy.
  • Description of the facts indicating the unlawful or inappropriate nature of the Content or information and the specific address where it is located.
  • If third-party rights are violated, details of the owner of the infringed rights must be provided if they differ from the reporting party. Evidence of ownership of the violated rights and, if applicable, authorization to act on behalf of the owner must also be provided.

Receipt of communication by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO under this clause does not imply, in accordance with the Directive 2000/31/EC, effective knowledge of the activities and/or content specified by the reporting party unless this is evident or proven. In any case, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO reserve the right to suspend or remove Content that, while not illegal, violates the rules established in these Terms and Conditions of Use, weighing the legal interests in conflict in each case.

7. Responsibility of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO

The User must be aware that communications over open networks are exposed to multiple threats that make them insecure. It is the User’s responsibility to adopt all appropriate technical measures to reasonably control these threats, including having updated malicious software detection systems such as viruses, trojans, etc., as well as updated security patches in the corresponding browsers. For more information, please consult your Internet access service provider, who can provide solutions tailored to your needs. The ERNST Consortium and FISABIO are not responsible for any damages caused to the User as a result of risks inherent to the means used or those caused by vulnerabilities in their systems and tools. The ERNST Consortium and FISABIO also do not guarantee the complete security of their systems and, although they have adopted adequate security measures, vulnerabilities cannot be entirely ruled out. Consequently, the User must exercise caution when interacting with the Portal.

The ERNST Consortium and FISABIO will only be liable for damages caused by the use of the Portal when such damages are directly caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO and no negligence by the User has intervened.
In particular, the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO are not responsible for:

  1. Damages of any kind caused to the User's computer equipment due to viruses, worms, trojans, or any other harmful element.
  2. Damages of any kind caused to the User resulting from failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that produce suspension, cancellation, or interruption of the Portal’s service during its provision. In this regard, the User acknowledges that access to the Portal requires services provided by third parties outside the control of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO (e.g., telecommunications network operators, access providers), whose reliability, quality, continuity, and operation are not the responsibility of the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO.
  3. Information from third parties in cases where they act as an intermediary service provider under the meaning given by the Directive above mentioned, except where effective knowledge is present, and the corresponding information has not been removed.

8. Data Protection

Aspects related to the processing of Users’ personal data due to the use of the Portal are regulated in the Privacy Policy and the legal texts attached to the "Self-Assessment Request" included on the Portal, which form an integral part of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

9. Miscellaneous

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons concerning personal data processing and the free movement of such data, the laws applicable to the information society services provided by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO through the Portal will be those of the European Community.

If any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use is declared null, it will be removed or replaced. In any case, such nullity will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use.

10. Location

The domain cost is hosted on a server in Madrid of the provider Ionos. The security measures of this server correspond to those taken by the provider on: virus-free website, access control, backups, etc.

The webmaster adheres to the Website’s confidentiality policy and is the only person who can access the data recorded on the platform. The system allows for identifying the entries and activities periodically performed by the webmaster.

11. Instrument Use License

The Instruments are original works protected by intellectual property rights.

Correct registration on the Website by completing the "Self-Assessment Request" and obtaining the corresponding access keys grants the Organization a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to use the corresponding Instrument for the maximum period established by the applicable European and national regulations of each participating country. The use of the Instruments for profit or promotional purposes is expressly prohibited. The granting of this license is conditioned on the Organization’s continuous compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use.

In cases where the Organization operates for-profit or is a non-profit health organization conducting an improvement project using the services or support of a for-profit entity (consulting services), the use license must be explicitly requested from the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO and is not considered granted by merely completing the "Self-Assessment Request" and obtaining the corresponding access keys. Granting such a license will be subject to financial compensation.

The ERNST Consortium and FISABIO reserve the right to review, not review, update, or modify the Instruments in any way and without prior notice.

The intellectual property rights to the Instruments belong to the aforementioned holders. This license does not grant the Organization any rights over the Instruments other than the right to use them under the terms described in these Terms and Conditions of Use. Notwithstanding this license, nothing in these Terms and Conditions of Use implies or can be interpreted as a transfer or assignment of intellectual or industrial property rights by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO to the Organization.

The Organization will inform the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO of any unauthorized use of the Instruments or other violations of intellectual property rights.

If the Organization uses any of the Instruments under the mentioned license and wishes to reference them, they must always visibly include the following legends:
“RESCUE Certification Standards for Second Victims Support is a tool owned by the ERNST Consortium and FISABIO”.

In any case, the Organization commits to respecting the voluntariness of the responses and the conditions of confidentiality and anonymization of responses, the identity, image, and integrity of the Instrument, and to sharing aggregated and anonymized data with the Instrument development team for research and improvement purposes.

In all cases, the Instructions for Use included on the Website must be respected.

12. Accessibility

The Website has been developed to meet the accessibility and usability requirements suggested by the W3C at level A of its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG). A quarterly review is conducted to assess the extent to which the Website meets W3C accessibility standards to identify improvements and establish an action plan accordingly.

Other web technologies on which the Website depends include CSS version 3 and XHTML 1.0 Transitional, both validated as standard by W3C validators.

Privacy Policy

Below are the legal texts regarding data protection and privacy policy.

Who is responsible?

Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)

Avda. de Catalunya 21, 46020 Valencia, Spain
Phone: +34 961 92 57 00
CIF: G98073760


Authentication for the use of the tool RESCUE Certification Standards for Second Victims Support.

Legal Basis

The processing of your data is necessary to provide you with the requested services and to identify and authenticate you, enabling your use of RESCUE Certification Standards for Second Victims Support.


When the transfer or legitimate communication of collected personal data is anticipated, information will be provided about the identity of the recipients if they are clearly predetermined, or about the categories of recipients if they are not previously determined.


You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, objection, deletion, portability, and restriction of the processing of your data at any time by contacting the following email address:

Additionally, you may file a complaint with the competent data protection authority if you believe your rights have been violated.



Funded by the European Union