RESCUE Certification standards to ensure peer supporters possess the necessary competencies (RESCUE-Supporters' Competences)

Scope. RESCUE-Supporters’ Competences encompasses the acquisition of the necessary competencies by peer supporters to fulfill their role in assisting second victims, regardless of their qualifications, professional background, or setting. This certification ensures that individuals possess the appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to perform their function effectively and ethically.

RESCUE-Supporters' Competences allows peer supporters to perform their role in centers and institutions other than the one where they received their training, enabling them to provide support to second victims (as defined by ERNST ). These competencies may have been acquired at various points over the past five years. This certification is only applicable to active professionals participating in established second victim support programs.

Vanhaecht K, Seys D, Russotto S, Strametz R, Mira J, Sigurgeirsdóttir S, Wu AW, Põlluste K, Popovici DG, Sfetcu R, Kurt S, Panella M; European Researchers’ Network Working on Second Victims (ERNST). An Evidence and Consensus-Based Definition of Second Victim: A Strategic Topic in Healthcare Quality, Patient Safety, Person-Centeredness and Human Resource Management. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(24):16869. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192416869.

Below is a brief introduction to the RESCUE-Supporters’ competences Certification Standards. This framework is divided into four main sections:

  • Communication and Interpersonal Competencies (COM01 to COM04): Includes effective communication skills (COM01), active and empathetic listening (COM02, CORE), cultural sensitivity (COM03), and group support facilitation (COM04).
  • Emotional Support and Intervention Competencies (COM05 to COM06): Covers psychological first aid (COM05, CORE) and psychological assessment and triage (COM06).
  • Knowledge and Skills for Supporting Second Victims (COM07 to COM12): Includes understanding the second victim phenomenon (COM07, CORE), workplace-related knowledge (COM08), referral processes and resource activation (COM09), stress and trauma management (COM10), problem-solving capacity (COM11), and role-specific knowledge (COM12).
  • Ethical Standards and Legal Support Competencies (COM013 to COM014): Focuses on adherence to confidentiality protocols (COM13) and legal support (COM14).

These standards ensure that peer supporters acquire the foundational knowledge, interpersonal skills, and ethical awareness required to provide effective, high-quality, and legally sound support to second victims.

These standards are the result of a collaborative effort by an international team that is part of the Innovative Grant funded by COST 19113 ( These standards are designed to align with the principles on the second victim phenomenon established by ERNST .

Mira J, Carillo I, Tella S, Vanhaecht K, Panella M, Seys D, Ungureanu MI, Sousa P, Buttigieg SC, Vella-Bonanno P, Popovici G, Srulovici E, Guerra-Paiva S, Knezevic B, Lorenzo S, Lachman P, Ushiro S, Scott SD, Wu A, Strametz R. The European Researchers' Network Working on Second Victim (ERNST) Policy Statement on the Second Victim Phenomenon for Increasing Patient Safety. Public Health Rev. 2024 Sep 18;45:1607175. doi: 10.3389/phrs.2024.1607175.


The auditor will take into account the information provided by the peer supporters applying for certification of their competencies. They will review the submitted documentation and, if necessary, may interview the candidate. The entire process is conducted on the RESCUE platform.

The auditor will use the following scale to determine the degree of compliance with the standard.

  1. Full Compliance (FC).  The standard is fully met.  
    - Example: The peer supporter has demonstrated having acquired empathetic listening competencies. The submitted documentation, including training records, certificates, and evaluations, confirms full compliance as of February 1, 2025.
  2. Non-Compliance (NC).  The standard is not met.
    - Example: The peer supporter has not demonstrated having participated in training on group facilitation.

Certification is granted if all CORE standards are met and at least 80% of the remaining standards are fulfilled. Failure to comply with a CORE standard means that the peer supporters cannot be certified at this time.

The support application's algorithm facilitates the correct implementation of this instruction.

The validity of this certification is five years. Renewal can be granted if at least one of the following conditions has been met during the previous five years: conducting a minimum of 30 interviews with at least 15 distinct second victims; mentoring at least five peer supporters; or updating competencies through a minimum of five hours of additional training.

RESCUE- Peer Supporters’ competences

Communication and interpersonal competencies






Effective communication skills

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in effective communication skills

Peer supporter performance evaluations. Satisfaction surveys from supported professionals collected under strict confidentiality. Accreditation certificates obtained by peer supporters, validating their competency in these skills. Records certifying that peer supporters have participated in training programs in effective communication and empathetic listening.


Active and empathetic listening

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in active and empathetic listening

Peer supporter performance evaluations. Satisfaction surveys from supported professionals collected under strict confidentiality. Accreditation certificates obtained by peer supporters that validate their competence in these skills. Records certifying that peer supporters have participated in training programs in active and empathetic listening


Cultural sensitivity

The peer supporter shows competence in culturally sensitive practices in at least 80% of interactions, as evaluated by feedback from peers and participants

Feedback from second victims collected under strict confidentiality. Training Participation and Competency Evaluations in this subject


Group support facilitation

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in group facilitation

Training records and certification in group facilitation. Feedback from group support participants

Emotional support and intervention competencies






Psychological First Aid

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in psychological first aid

Certification/Records in PFA training programs. Scenario-Based Evaluations. Feedback Surveys.


Psychological Assessment and Triage

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in psychological assessment, mental health issue recognition, and suicide prevention

Training and certification records in psychological assessment and suicide prevention for peer supporters.

Performance evaluations that include case studies and simulations

Knowledge and Skills for Supporting Second Victims






Understanding the Second Victim Phenomenon

The peer supporter must have completed formal training ensuring knowledge and understanding of the second victim phenomenon, including its nature, phases, symptoms, and recovery trajectories

Training records and attendance logs for peer supporters on second victims understanding. Certification documentation verifying competence in understanding this phenomenon. Knowledge Assessments. Supervisor Observations.


Workplace-related Knowledge

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in emergency care, surgery, or primary care

Years of relevant workplace experience. Completion of certified training program


Referral Process and Resource Activation

The peer supporter must have knowledge of supporting resources

Records of training and certifications completed by peer supporters in referral processes and resource activation. Documentation of resource directories and support networks available within the institution. Feedback from second victims regarding the effectiveness and timeliness of referrals collected under strict confidentiality.


Competence in Stress and Trauma Management

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in stress and trauma management, coping strategies, and basic emotional management skills

Training records and attendance logs for peer supporters on stress management and coping strategies. Certification documentation verifying competence in these areas


Problem-solving capacity

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in problem-solving guidance

Training records in problem-solving techniques. Performance evaluations focusing on problem-solving guidance.


Role-specific knowledge

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in role boundaries and responsibilities.

Training records on role boundaries and responsibilities. Compliance audits on role adherence

Ethical standards and legal support competencies






Adherence to Confidentiality Protocols

The peer supporter must have signed a confidentiality agreement

Signed confidentiality agreements by peer supporters.


Legal support

The peer supporter must have completed formal training in medicolegal issues.

Training Records. Scenario-Based Evaluations. Supervisor Observation

When multiple data sources are indicated, any one of them is considered valid.


Funded by the European Union